Stonebraker Straight Talk

Dr. Michael Stonebraker, MIT Professor and Co-Founder of VoltDB & HP Vertica

Thu. June 12, 2014 6:30pm
New York City
Network, grab dinner and a drink, and hear from the father of modern-databases

Dr. Michael Stonebraker

MIT Professor and Co-Founder of VoltDB & HP Vertica

Stonebraker Straight Talk

Wisdom from the Father of Modern Relational Databases

Today data is both big and fast - but it also has the potential to be smart. Within that data is the potential to produce more value - to gain competitive advantage, to improve the customer experience, to make your applications "smarter" - but only if you have the ability to understand and act on the information while it's relevant.

How are you going to get there? Dr. Michael Stonebraker, MIT professor - and co-founder of VoltDB and HP Vertica - will show you the way.

This will be an educational networking event that will provide insight into why conventional database thinking could be holding you back.

Dr. Michael Stonebraker

MIT Professor and Co-Founder of VoltDB & HP Vertica

In this session, Mike will discuss:

  • Why most major commercial database offerings are obsolete
  • Why a "one size fits all" data management approach will always fall short
  • Where, when, and why specialized databases for real-time processing coupled with data store analytics is optimal

Network, grab dinner and a drink, and hear from the man known as the "father of the modern relational database."

When Stonebraker speaks, listeners are guaranteed a frank, honest perspective on what works and what doesn't. Don't miss this opportunity to get the straight talk.